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Antares Fixed Income believes that debt markets are not completely efficient and as such, opportunities can be identified and exploited in a systematic way. Antares Fixed Income portfolios are constructed with the aim of capturing income whilst minimising the risk of capital loss.

Superior returns for a given level of risk can be delivered by investing in a broad set of opportunities and using a diversified range of strategies. Antares Fixed Income seeks to maximise returns across a range of economic cycles.

Antares Fixed Income retains a stable, collaborative and experienced team of investment professionals, who have managed investment portfolios across a range of economic cycles.

Investment solutions

Fund name Benchmark Inception date
Antares Diversified Fixed Income Fund Bloomberg AusBond Composite 0+ Yr Index
July 2019
Antares Income Fund Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index
January 2013
Antares Cash Fund¹ Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index June 2014
Antares Enhanced Cash Trust¹ Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index January 2007
Antares Short Duration - Core Fixed Interest Bloomberg AusBond 0-3 Yr Composite Index or 0-5 years blended Index January 2004
Antares Short Duration Credit Fund Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index February 2013
Antares Long Duration - Core Fixed Interest Bloomberg AusBond Composite 0+ Yr Index August 2010
Antares Long Duration - Enhanced Fixed Interest Bloomberg AusBond Composite 0+ Yr Index October 1991
Antares Inflation Linked Bond Fund¹ Bloomberg AusBond Inflation Government 0-10 Yr Index July 1991
Antares Asset Liability Management Liability aware mandates and determined by client October 1991

1 Available as a distributing trust